Thursday, January 22, 2015

Last Day in Bangkok

Got a slow start today. Slept in a bit then went downstairs  and had breakfast (croissant with jam, a banana, and tea). Today is my last day in Bangkok so I decided to go to Chinatown. I was joined by one of my new friends from the hostel. Together, we walked twenty or so minutes to Chinatown.

On our way there, an old Thai man sitting outside with a newspaper started talking to us. He asked us where we were from and when I said America and my friend said the UK, he asked if he could practice his English with us. He told us that his daughter lived in Australia and he was going to visit her soon. He invited us to sit down with him and asked us what our plans were. We told him what we were planning on doing and he requested paper and a pen. He then spent the next twenty or so minutes planning an itinerary for us. He told us exactly where we should go, what sights to see, and even what time to catch the train. He was very helpful and friendly.

After excusing ourselves, we walked around Chinatown for a bit. We somehow found ourselves in what appeared to the industrial district because every storefront was filled with plumbing fittings, motorbike parts, or massive rolls of wire and rope.

We eventually made it to the main part of Chinatown. On our way, we came across several temples randomly placed in side alleys. 

We were hungry so we decided to get a bite to eat. We found a street vendor selling bowls of duck soup. We each got a bowl (about $1.25 each) and it was delicious.

Now I’m back at the hostel. Tomorrow I am leaving Bangkok. I didn’t know where I was going until this morning when I talked to the travel agent who sets up a table in the hostel lobby every day. With her help, I decided to head to Ayutthaya. Ayutthaya was the capital of Thailand back when it was still Siam. Nowadays it’s home to many temple ruins. I’m going to take a train from Bangkok to Ayutthaya tomorrow morning. I’m told that the best way to get around the ruins is to rent a bicycle so I may do that. I will probably stay the night in Ayutthaya and head further north the next day either to Chiang Mai or perhaps somewhere else before Chiang Mai. Bangkok was fun but it was busy and touristy and I'm looking forward to something a bit quieter.

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