Monday, January 26, 2015

Another Sunny Day

This morning I set out to work on the unfinished mural in the classroom in Mark and Mint's home. I'm not a very good painter but I did the best I could to add onto what Mark had already painted. I spent a couple hours on it then went to lunch with Mark. After that, I took a short nap.

I added the happy clouds, helicopter, house, bird, dragon, UFO, rainbow, and the sun.

Once a week, Mark goes to the temple to exercise and use the sauna there. The other guest and I joined him and biked to the temple. I haven't ridden a bicycle for a while so I was a bit shaky but the ride was pleasant anyway. Mark's routine is to go into the sauna, exercise, drink a bitter bright red tea that they provide there, then repeat two more times. I did the sauna three times but my attempts to participate in the exercise were pathetic and I didn't like the tea so I went with water. The sauna was very hot but it got easier each time.

After that, we returned to Mark's home because it was nearly time for his classes. At five, about eight kids showed up. I had agreed to participate in the class so the kids spent the first fifteen or so minutes asking me questions Mark had prepared like "where are you from?" and "do you like spicy food?" After that, they played a game of I-Spy. The second class was older kids who spoke better English. We did the interview questions then played a game of Telephone (passing a message from one person to another through whispers). Participating in the class was fun but the kids had a lot of energy so it was sort of tiring.

I'm going to stay in Phitsanulok again tonight. A local university student invited Mark and any guests he had to go on a tour she is doing of Phitsanulok tomorrow so I may go on that. From there, I think I will head to Chiang Mai.

Stay tuned.

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